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Other Civilizations in the Universe

      I recently came across a very interesting paper in a portal (National Security Agency) that was entitled ‘ Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence .’ The very first line is ‘We are not alone in the universe’ which sets the tone for the article. The article goes on to say that even accounting for a five thousand percent margin of error there are probably 100 million stars in our own galaxy which have a planet in the habitable zone. If you then consider that there are probably a billion other galaxies in the universe the number of civilizations that could have arisen by now is probably closer to a billion. A billion other civilizations in the universe is certainly a huge number.      I discuss similar information with a bit different data in my book Aliens Are With Us and also in my blog post regarding other intelligent life but it is always good to read other papers and articles that corroborate the same theory. The article goes on to discuss the challenges of

Does Planet K2-18b Show Signs of Life?

       Exoplanets, or extrasolar planets, are planets that are outside our solar system and so therefore orbit stars other than our sun. The quest to discover these worlds has added to our understanding of the universe, challenging our preconceived notions of planetary systems. It wasn't until the 1990s that the first confirmed exoplanets were discovered, expanding the field of astronomy and giving more credence to the notion that we are not alone in the world. Since then, the search for exoplanets has become a central focus of astrophysical research, employing advanced technology and innovative methods to peer deeper into space than ever before. What is K2-18b?      Among the thousands of exoplanets discovered so far, K2-18b stands out as one of the most intriguing. Located in the constellation of Leo, approximately 124 light-years from Earth, K2-18b orbits within the habitable zone of its star, K2-18. This zone, often referred to as the "Goldilocks zone," is the reg

Government Cover-up of UFOs

       It seems like we are slowly getting closer and closer to the US and other governments around the world ending the cover-up on what they know about UFO’s. Of course, the cover-up has been going on for over seventy years so getting closer could mean another ten or twenty years – but someday it will happen. If the US doesn’t release the information they have then some other country will beat them to it so then they will have to jump on the bandwagon and release theirs.      Fox News recently interviewed Rep. Tim Burchett from Tennessee who has been trying to get answers to the UFO debate that has been intensifying over the past few years. In the interview he stated: "I think there is a cover-up," he said. "I mean, it's a cover-up when you release a file, and it's just half blacked out. And there's a cover-up when one group says one federal authority says something exists, and then another federal authority says it doesn't exist. That's a cove

Alien Involvement with Humans and their Creation

       While doing research about the possibility of aliens being involved in the creation of humans, I came across some interesting information I thought was worth sharing. I’ve never researched this topic before writing my book, Aliens Are with Us , so much of it was new to me. Therefore, when I found the information I am sharing here it was very interesting to me and further corroborates the experiences I have had and the beliefs that I have developed because of my experiences.   Historical and cultural support for alien involvement with humans      I’ve certainly heard that ancient civilizations around the world have left behind interesting artifacts and texts that depict encounters with beings from other worlds, but it was interesting learning more details about them. From the Sumerian clay tablets to the Egyptian hieroglyphics, there are numerous references to gods or beings descending from the skies and interacting with humans. These accounts often describe advanced knowledg

Aliens, Religion and President Jimmy Carter

     While researching my topic for this post regarding aliens and religion I came across some information that really blew me away. It corroborated much of what I already knew to be true about aliens but also much of what I believe to be true based on my more than fifty years of experiences with them, so it was really satisfying to read it, but it also was a bit overwhelming. In my book, Aliens Are With Us , I discuss how I have never been interested in aliens, science fiction or even into space exploration. Aliens began visiting me when I was eight years old, but I never wanted them to, so I was not welcoming to any interactions with them. I read books like Kon Tiki and books about Lewis and Clarke and that’s where my interest lies but they continued to visit me speaking to me on a couple of occasions which helped to form my opinions about them, religion, angels and the afterlife.      Throughout my life I have never read a book about aliens, UFO’s or any of those type of topics an

The Connection Between Angels and Aliens

      Angels have captivated the human imagination for centuries, appearing in various religious and spiritual traditions and in this article I discuss I discuss how I believe aliens are connected with our ‘guardian angels.’ I also cover it more thoroughly in my book Aliens Are with Us .  I personally believe in “angels” and think that most people believe in them as their lives progress, because of all of the unexplained experiences they have had or have heard from others. I recently read that approximately seventy percent of American adults believe in angels .  Angels have been revered and worshipped across different cultures, and their presence has brought comfort and guidance to countless individuals throughout history. Angels are often regarded as messengers of the divine, bridging the gap between the mortal and the spiritual realms. Different Forms of Angels and Their Roles in Religious and Spiritual Traditions      Angels come in different forms and serve various purposes acr

Alien Abductions

  Alien abductions have been a subject of fascination and intrigue for many years. The phenomenon of alien abductions refers to statements made by individuals who believe they have been taken by aliens and subjected to various experiences some of the most likely were experiments that were being performed. While some skeptics dismiss these accounts as mere fiction or hallucination, there are so many stories and accounts that cannot be easily explained and many of these are by very credible resources, so I believe many of them are legitimate. I put my personal experience in the section of my book, Aliens Are with Us, called ‘What I Believe’ because I believe I was abducted by the aliens that have visited me over one hundred times spanning over fifty years, but I didn’t actually see the aliens or recall any interaction with them. The other section of my book ‘What I Know’ details the other experiences which are ones in which I am 100% positive were visits from aliens. Historical account