Government Cover-up of UFOs

     It seems like we are slowly getting closer and closer to the US and other governments around the world ending the cover-up on what they know about UFO’s. Of course, the cover-up has been going on for over seventy years so getting closer could mean another ten or twenty years – but someday it will happen. If the US doesn’t release the information they have then some other country will beat them to it so then they will have to jump on the bandwagon and release theirs.

    Fox News recently interviewed Rep. Tim Burchett from Tennessee who has been trying to get answers to the UFO debate that has been intensifying over the past few years. In the interview he stated:

"I think there is a cover-up," he said. "I mean, it's a cover-up when you release a file, and it's just half blacked out. And there's a cover-up when one group says one federal authority says something exists, and then another federal authority says it doesn't exist. That's a cover-up.

"So, yeah, it exists. The cover-up is real, for whatever reason. And you're spending tens of millions of dollars on it on something that you say doesn't exist, yet you continue spending the money on it. It makes you wonder."

    He was part of a highly classified briefing with a bipartisan group of other lawmakers to discuss UFOs and said he left the meeting feeling discouraged because instead of the government releasing classified files to the public that the lawmakers had been asking for they came away without learning anything new. "Like I said before, it's not about little green men or flying saucers, it's about tens of millions of dollars that our federal government is spending on something that at least some of the members of the federal government say does not exist. Yet they will not release all the files."

    In my book, Aliens Are With Us, I discuss the statements that Israel's former director of space programs, Haim Eshed, made about UFOs and the existence of aliens so it appears the release of UFO information from government officials may be getting closer. He is a retired brigadier general in Israeli military intelligence, and he was the director of space programs for the Israeli Ministry of Defense for nearly thirty years, as well as a visiting professor of aeronautics and astronautics at various space research institutions. In 2020, he made headlines by saying that people on Earth had been in contact with extraterrestrials from a “galactic federation.” He also told Israel’s Yediot Aharonot newspaper that “The Unidentified Flying Objects have asked not to publish that they are here, humanity is not ready yet.” He went on to say that they were equally curious about humans and are seeking to understand “the fabric of the universe,” and that “there is an agreement between the U.S. government and the aliens. They signed a contract with them to do experiments here.” He also said President Trump had been in touch with the aliens, and they did not want him to reveal their existence because it could trigger mass hysteria.

    Based on my experiences, I’ve long believed that many of the alleged crashes of alien aircraft and the various UFO sightings by military pilots, astronauts, and others that have been documented for the last eighty-plus years are most likely factual incidents, and as such, the government denying them is part of the cover-up of alien activity in the US and around the world. I’ve also felt for many years that it is natural that the US and other foreign governments that have knowledge of these activities would need to conceal it from the general public. If the governments around the world acknowledged that intelligent life from other planets exists and has been visiting Earth for decades—or more likely, hundreds or thousands of years—there would be mass hysteria. It would be such a huge shift in the way billions of people around the world think that there would be utter chaos. So, I certainly understand why the US and other countries around the world aren’t releasing their information – but it will have to happen eventually, and it seems to be slowly gaining momentum so hopefully we are getting close.





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