Reincarnation and Alien Involvement

         Reincarnation is the belief that after death, the soul takes on a new physical body and begins a new life. This concept has been present in many cultures and religions throughout history, with different interpretations and beliefs surrounding the process. The idea of reincarnation suggests that our existence extends beyond a single lifetime, allowing for personal growth, spiritual evolution, and the resolution of past experiences.

The belief in reincarnation can be found all the way back to the first century BC. The ancient Celtic peoples, including the Gauls and Druids, believed that people’s souls would enter into another body after they died, as did the German tribes and the Greeks, and even Plato spoke of reincarnation around 400 BC. Reincarnation is a major belief in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sikhism, and references to it appear as far back as 1100 to 500 BC.

Karma and Its Role in Reincarnation

Central to the concept of reincarnation is the idea of karma, which is the law of cause and effect. Karma dictates that our actions in this life will have consequences in future lives. It is believed that the events and circumstances we encounter in each lifetime are influenced by the choices and actions of our past lives. The basic belief is that you if accumulate good karma and lead a virtuous, moral life, you will have a more favorable reincarnation in your next life, but if you do not live a good, moral, virtuous life, you will be “downgraded” in your next life. Reincarnation provides an opportunity for individuals to learn from their past mistakes, make amends, and progress spiritually. The process of reincarnation is believed to involve the journey of the soul from one physical body to another. It is believed that after death, the soul undergoes a period of review and reflection on its past life before being reborn. The specific circumstances of the next incarnation are influenced by many factors, including karma, the soul's desires, and the lessons the soul needs to learn in its next life.

Scientific Theories and Evidence Supporting the Idea of Reincarnation

While reincarnation is primarily a concept rooted in spirituality and faith, there have been scientific theories and evidence that suggest the plausibility of its existence. One such theory is the idea of genetic memory, which proposes that certain memories and experiences can be passed down through generations which could certainly explain some memories people believe they have, but they have not lived through those experiences themselves. Alternatively, studies have been done on children who state they remember details from a past life that don’t relate to any family members in their past. But some of these cases show accurate knowledge of historical events and details that the child could not have known through normal means.

There was one case that I recalled hearing, about a young boy that had some detailed recollections about being a fighter pilot in World War II. I found an article in NPR from January 5, 2014, in which Rachel Martin was interviewing Jim Tucker, a professor of psychiatry and neurobehavioral sciences at the University of Virginia, who had researched many cases regarding reincarnation for his book Return To Life, including this particular case of a boy named James Leninger.

When James was two years old, he often had nightmares about being in a plane crash, but then during the day he would tell his parents that he had been a pilot and had flown off a boat but his plane was shot down by the Japanese. He recalled the name of the boat and that he had been killed in Iwo Jima and even remembered the name of a friend he had on the boat. After several years of research James’s dad was able to verify the information that James had shared including the name of the aircraft carrier and the name of the friend that James said he had on the boat. This led to finding the name of the pilot that had died during a battle in Iwo Jima whose plane had crashed just like James had described it, with this friend whose name James recalled flying in a plane right next to him as it happened.  

The boy, James, lived in Louisiana and the fighter pilot that died in World War II was from Pennsylvania. Plus, the fighter pilot had been killed fifty years before James had these recollections so it’s extremely unlikely that James or anyone he or his parents knew could have come across this information by normal means which gives even more credibility to this being an amazing example of someone being reincarnated.

My Personal Experience Related to Reincarnation

When I was in my early twenties, I had an experience that first made me seriously consider the possibility that reincarnation exists. I often had an odd feeling that I had been hung up by my heels in the distant past, as if in a prisoner-of-war type of situation. It was just a passing feeling that I occasionally had when I was lying down on a bed, but I didn’t think too much about it and mostly just ignored the feeling. One day, I was in between school and work and had an urge to get in my car and head out west. My family had gone to the Grand Canyon when I was about ten, but I had never been to Colorado and beyond or to the northwest. I was living alone in my parents’ house in Atlanta at the time, because they had divorced and both remarried, so I just left a note saying I was heading to the northwest and would be back soon, in case someone came looking for me. I didn’t tell my friends about it because I didn’t want to answer all the questions about what I was doing or why, as I didn’t have a good explanation, plus I felt sure I’d be back within a week.

So, I loaded my car up with some camping gear and my dog and headed northwest. This was before the days of cell phones and GPS, so I just used a map and decided to head towards Montana, because I had read about it in books about Lewis and Clarke and other outdoor adventure stories, and it sounded like a cool place to go. On the afternoon of the second day, I was driving through Nebraska and saw a sign for Grand Island, and completely spontaneously, I just took the exit and began to head towards it. I took a couple of random turns and saw a sign for a community park of some type, so I headed towards that. When I got there, I walked over to a display that had some information about soldiers from that area who had died during World War II. I read the details of one specific soldier, a marine in the Pacific who had died while he was a prisoner of war. I suddenly started crying, got back in my car, and headed straight back home.

My personal experience with my trip to Nebraska certainly offers no proof at all of reincarnation, but it was very strange and something I never told anyone about because they would not understand. It’s one of those things that you have experience yourself to truly understand.

Reincarnation and Alien Involvement

As I matured and heard and read about other people’s experiences, in addition to having more of my own, I came to believe what billions of other people around the world believe: that our souls continue on after our bodies are gone, and that they pass into another state or are reincarnated in another body. I had trouble accepting that in the past because I didn’t believe in God, and without a powerful entity such as God, that didn’t seem possible. But intelligent life from other planets that has the technology to travel many light-years to Earth and find people such as myself, wherever we are, and communicate with us telepathically could certainly have the capability to take our consciousness, along with our thoughts and memories, from bodies that are no longer living and transfer them into a different state or a new body. That, to me, is logical and at least has some scientific basis.


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