Alien Involvement with Humans and their Creation


    While doing research about the possibility of aliens being involved in the creation of humans, I came across some interesting information I thought was worth sharing. I’ve never researched this topic before writing my book, Aliens Are with Us, so much of it was new to me. Therefore, when I found the information I am sharing here it was very interesting to me and further corroborates the experiences I have had and the beliefs that I have developed because of my experiences.  

Historical and cultural support for alien involvement with humans

    I’ve certainly heard that ancient civilizations around the world have left behind interesting artifacts and texts that depict encounters with beings from other worlds, but it was interesting learning more details about them. From the Sumerian clay tablets to the Egyptian hieroglyphics, there are numerous references to gods or beings descending from the skies and interacting with humans. These accounts often describe advanced knowledge and technologies bestowed upon humanity by these visitors. In addition to the ancient texts, cave paintings and carvings have been found around the world that depict humanoid figures with elongated heads and strange features much like the popularized image of extraterrestrial beings. These depictions have fueled speculation about possible alien involvement in human creation for centuries.

    Other ancient artifacts and structures have long fascinated researchers and enthusiasts, often leading to speculation about possible extraterrestrials visiting earth and therefore having involvement in our lives. One such well known example is the Great Pyramids of Egypt, which have puzzled historians and engineers for centuries. The precise alignment and construction techniques used in the pyramids have led some to believe that advanced alien knowledge was necessary to build these monumental structures. One that was unknown to me are the Nazca Lines in Peru, massive geoglyphs etched into the desert floor. They have also sparked theories about their purpose and the possibility of alien involvement. The intricate and precise designs, visible only from the air, have led some to suggest that they were created as landing sites or messages for extraterrestrial visitors.

The ancient astronaut theory

    The ancient astronaut theory, which has been proposed by many but probably most notably by Swiss author Erich von Daniken, proposes that extraterrestrial beings visited Earth in ancient times and influenced human development. According to this theory, these beings may have genetically manipulated early humans, provided them with knowledge and guidance, and even interbred with them. This would explain the sudden leaps in human civilization and the appearance of advanced technologies in ancient times. This ties in with what I discussed in my book, that the missing link was related to what the aliens were referring to when they said to me, “We left you on the beach thousands of years ago.” I believed then—and still do—that the aliens filled in the gap of the missing link. I knew I wasn’t the first one to theorize that, but it was still exciting for me to read there are many others that have the same theory and some are very well known individuals. And even more exciting to me is that I developed my beliefs solely on my experiences, not based on what others have theorized. I’ve long known that with close to 10 billion people having existed on earth there is probably next to nothing we think of that hasn’t been thought before, but it was still exciting to read about these beliefs.

    Naturally the ancient astronaut theory is often met with skepticism and scientists emphasize the need for empirical evidence and rigorous scientific methods to support these extraordinary theories. But proponents argue that it offers a plausible explanation for the mysteries surrounding human origins. They point to the similarities in ancient myths and legends from different cultures, which often share common themes of gods descending from the heavens and interacting with humans. And of course, there is very little in the way of ‘scientific evidence’ to support this theory so it’s much easier and safer to dismiss it.

    Even though the ancient astronaut theory relies heavily on historical and cultural evidence, there are some scientific theories that support the possibility of alien involvement in human creation. One such theory is panspermia, which suggests that life on Earth may have originated from microorganisms or genetic material brought to our planet by comets, asteroids, or even extraterrestrial spacecraft. This theory gives some scientific credence to the possibility that our genetic makeup could bear traces of alien influence.

Alien abductions and their role in human creation and genetic manipulation

    Another possible link that further fuels the theory of alien involvement in human creation is the phenomenon of alien abductions which are being reported by individuals worldwide. These encounters are being reported more and more frequently but have undoubtedly been happening for centuries and only now with the advent of the internet are individuals realizing they are not alone and feel freer to talk about their encounters. I tell about my possible abductions in my book but thankfully my encounters were fairly mild, or possibly the aliens are more consistently orchestrating them so the abductees have very little to no recollection of them.  

    These abduction accounts often describe encounters with extraterrestrial beings who perform medical examinations, genetic experiments, or communicate telepathically. As I describe in my book I definitely feel as if the aliens have been observing me because they visited me over 100 times spanning more than fifty years and often just quietly observed me until I moved towards them to force them to leave. Additionally, when they spoke to me, I knew it was telepathic so I feel sure that if they can speak to us telepathically, they would also able to read our minds, and possibly even put thoughts into our minds. The consistency of the abduction accounts worldwide, with similar descriptions of the beings and procedures, has led some researchers to propose the existence of an extraterrestrial agenda involving genetic manipulation and monitoring of human evolution which happens to align perfectly with what I discuss in my book.

Extraterrestrial DNA and human genetic manipulation

    Advancements in genetics and DNA research have led to fascinating theories regarding extraterrestrial involvement in human creation. Some scientists hypothesize that certain segments of human DNA, often referred to as ‘junk DNA,’ could be remnants of alien genetic manipulation. The presence of these unused or non-coding DNA sequences has puzzled researchers, leading to speculation about their purpose and origin.

    Additionally, proponents of the theory that aliens have manipulated human DNA point to the rapid advancements in human civilization and the sudden emergence of complex cognitive abilities as potential indications of genetic manipulation by extraterrestrial beings. They argue that such rapid development cannot be explained solely by natural evolutionary processes and may require an external influence. Again, this is something that I wrote about in my book and began to think As I got older, that the missing link in the development of humans was related to what the aliens were referring to when they said to me, “We left you on the beach thousands of years ago.” I believed then—and still do—that the aliens filled in the gap of the missing link.

    Some skeptics like to ridicule the idea of alien involvement with human evolution by mocking the idea of aliens interbreeding with humans and of course I don’t believe that either, but I do believe it’s likely they genetically modified primates or early humanoids, possibly by using some of their genetic information, but maybe just by engineering them to have increased intelligence and other factors to enable them to thrive. Some people state that it would not be physically possible for them to mix their genetic material with ours, which may be true with our current capabilities, but the aliens are undoubtedly so much more advanced than we are that we can’t truly conceive of what is possible for them and what’s not.

Modern evidence and encounters supporting the theory of alien involvement on earth

    While historical and ancient evidence forms the beginning foundation for the theory of alien involvement in human creation, modern encounters and evidence continue to fuel the speculation. Reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs/UAPs) and close encounters with extraterrestrial beings continue to be reported throughout the world and are increasing in numbers. These encounters often involve multiple witnesses and are supported by photographs, videos, and radar data. Additionally, leaked government documents, such as the recent release of the U.S. Navy's classified UAP sightings, provide further credence to the possibility of extraterrestrial visitation. These sightings were made by highly trained military personnel and often recorded on their sophisticated equipment which naturally gives more credence to the possibility that they were sightings of devices that are not from this world.

    Some information that I discuss in my blog Aliens, Religion and  President Jimmy Carter that to me further supports my belief about this topic is regarding a briefing he was said to have had (reported by an ex-NASA researcher and corroborated by more than one witness) in which he had a talk regarding classified information about UFO’s and after the discussion he reportedly sunk his head into his hands and began to sob deeply and was visibly disturbed for weeks afterwards. He was a deeply religious man and was reportedly told that the major religions were created by aliens to prevent us from destroying ourselves while they ran experiments on us - and that they made us.

    Furthermore, the discovery of exoplanets in the habitable zone of distant star systems has further fueled speculation about the existence of other intelligent life in the universe. The sheer vastness of the cosmos and the likelihood of habitable planets increase the probability that extraterrestrial civilizations may have evolved long before humans appeared on Earth. The data that I discuss in another blog shows that if you state very pessimistically that only one in a trillion (which are very small odds, given one trillion is 1,000,000,000,000) of those planets that are habitable developed intelligent life, then there would be 40 billion (yes, 40,000,000,000) other planets that have developed intelligent life in the universe! These numbers are hard to ignore and to me is just additional evidence that we are not alone in the universe.



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