Aliens, Religion and President Jimmy Carter

    While researching my topic for this post regarding aliens and religion I came across some information that really blew me away. It corroborated much of what I already knew to be true about aliens but also much of what I believe to be true based on my more than fifty years of experiences with them, so it was really satisfying to read it, but it also was a bit overwhelming. In my book, Aliens Are With Us, I discuss how I have never been interested in aliens, science fiction or even into space exploration. Aliens began visiting me when I was eight years old, but I never wanted them to, so I was not welcoming to any interactions with them. I read books like Kon Tiki and books about Lewis and Clarke and that’s where my interest lies but they continued to visit me speaking to me on a couple of occasions which helped to form my opinions about them, religion, angels and the afterlife.

    Throughout my life I have never read a book about aliens, UFO’s or any of those type of topics and until recently did not research those subjects on the internet either. Partly because as I stated earlier, I was not interested in that subject, but also because I knew all I felt I needed to know about aliens and because I didn’t want my opinions shaped in any way by experiences or beliefs someone else had regarding aliens because I knew my experiences and knowledge about aliens were true and accurate but theirs might not be. After I wrote my book, I began doing research about aliens and alien encounters looking forward to someday coming across information from someone else that I felt was credible that aligned with my experiences and what I have come to believe so when I read the information I discuss in this post as I said, I was overwhelmed.

Aliens and the Creation of Humans

    The aliens who visited me made a statement about leaving humans on the beach thousands of years ago when I was fourteen years old, so I was still relatively young and didn’t think too much about the implications of that statement. I mostly have a math and science type of brain, so I have always been fairly logical about things. Add to that that I didn’t go to church very often when I was growing up, so I didn’t have strong faith in any religion, and I never truly believed that there was a God who created the universe and everything in it. It just didn’t make sense to me that there would be an entity like that. After all, where did God come from? How did God get these powers? Where does God reside? There were just too many holes in that story, and basically, it just wasn’t logical to me. At the time, I just believed humans had evolved like the other animals, but we turned out smarter than them and have opposable thumbs that are capable of manipulating objects easily, so we can work with tools. Now I believe differently, but at the time, that was my opinion.

    Over the next ten years, as I began to take more courses in science in both high school and college, my opinion began to change. I was originally a biology major in college and took courses in things such as evolutionary biology, and by then, I had learned more about the evolution of man and basic genetics. At the time, the concept of the “missing link” was still talked about, and I began to think that the missing link was related to what the aliens were referring to when they said, “We left you on the beach thousands of years ago.” I believed then—and still do—that the aliens filled in the gap of the missing link. I believe the aliens themselves are not capable of surviving on Earth, either because our gravity is too weak or too strong, or our air is not compatible with what their bodies require, or the environment here is too harsh for them on a long-term basis for a host of other reasons. So, to establish intelligent life on Earth, they genetically modified primates or early humanoids, possibly by using some of their genetic information, but maybe just by engineering them to have increased intelligence and other factors to enable them to thrive. Some people state that it would not be physically possible for them to mix their genetic material with ours, which may be true with our current capabilities, but the aliens are undoubtedly so much more advanced than we are that we can’t truly conceive of what is possible for them and what’s not.

Aliens and Religion

    I was born into a Christian family and went to Sunday school and church for a brief period when I was young, but I’ve never been a firm believer in any particular religion. As I got older, I learned more about many different religions and began to think that the truth is probably a mix of them. To me, it always seemed naïve to assume that the specific beliefs your religion teaches are correct, and the other four to six billion people in the world are somehow wrong. But I do believe that many of the prophets, apostles, and others that are discussed in the texts of the different religions may very well have existed, and many of the incidents that have been documented as part of their belief systems quite possibly could have happened. But based on my experiences, I believe the logical explanation for divine inspiration, visits from angels or deities, or an individual doing something normal humans cannot do is that aliens were instrumental in what occurred, using capabilities that only they possess.

Christians believe in one God, and one of the main events in Christianity is the crucifixion of Jesus. Many historians agree that parts of the event can be verified through writings from many sources, including ancient Roman writings. The resurrection of Jesus, however, is something that many skeptics do not believe actually happened, but I am of the opinion that something that is documented in so many sources and believed by so many people may have really occurred. But instead of God bringing Jesus back to life, I feel it is more logical to believe that aliens that were involved with humans’ existence on Earth were the ones most likely to have brought him back to life, because with their advanced technological capabilities, that could very well be possible. Additionally, many people have long believed that the scriptures in the Bible are a collaboration between humans and God, but I believe the humans got their inspiration from the aliens, through some sort of direct contact and they were the source of the collaboration.

    Muslims believe in one all-knowing God, Allah, and that several prophets were sent to teach Allah’s law, including some of the same prophets that Jews and Christians follow, such as Jesus, Abraham, Moses, and Noah. But Muslims believe that Muhammad was the final prophet, and he was sent by Allah to reveal their faith to mankind. Islamic writings say that archangel Gabriel visited Muhammad and ordered him to recite the words of Allah, and that Muhammad continued to receive revelations from Gabriel for the rest of his life, which were the basis of the Quran. Again, I believe the divine inspiration for the prophets was actually the aliens that have been instrumental in the lives of humans for thousands of years or more.

    The followers of Judaism also believe in one God who revealed himself through prophets, including Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Solomon, and others. The Jewish sacred text is the Tanakh. The first five books of the Tanakh are called the Torah, which are the same as the first five books of the Old Testament in the Christian Bible. Jewish people believe that God first revealed himself to a Hebrew man named Abraham, who became known as the founder of Judaism. Again, I believe the prophets received their inspiration from aliens.

    Buddhism and Hinduism are very different from Christianity, Islam, and Judaism in that they do not recognize a single creator deity, but instead offer a number of different deities. Buddhism rose out of Hinduism, and they both preach reincarnation and that living a moral and honorable life will lead to salvation and enlightenment. As with the other religions, I believe that the multiple “deities” they recognize were guided and inspired by aliens.

    I wanted to go through the specifics of some of the more widely practiced religions in the world to show what I believe are some common threads and similarities. You could just say replace the word “God” with “aliens,” but it’s not quite as simple as that. I believe that aliens that were very invested in and involved with our planet and the human race were the inspiration for the various religions around the world. They either inspired the humans that became prophets and deities, or some of these prophets and deities could even be of alien origin themselves. Then they went on to create the sacred texts and spread the word through various monks and other religious leaders, so that people around the world would follow the teachings in the religious scripts and lead more moral and honorable lives. To further inspire and motivate the general population, the aliens would certainly have had the capability to perform miraculous feats that ordinary humans could not, such as possibly raising Jesus from the dead, or even enabling Moses to part the Red Sea so his followers would have safe passage.

Aliens, UFO’s and President Jimmy Carter

    The information I randomly came across while doing research was involving statements and information regarding former president Jimmy Carter. He is a president who is known for his political career and humanitarian work however, there is another aspect of Carter's life that has intrigued many people over the years - his connection to aliens. I was surprised to find out that Jimmy Carter has had a long-standing interest in the phenomenon of extraterrestrial life.

    In 1969, while Jimmy Carter was serving as the Governor of Georgia, he had a remarkable encounter that would shape his beliefs about the existence of extraterrestrial life. He reported seeing an unidentified flying object in the sky while waiting outside for a meeting to begin. He described the object as a bright light that changed colors and appeared to be moving in a controlled manner. He stated that it was witnessed by about ten or twelve other people and was in view for ten to twelve minutes before it passed out of sight. This sighting left a lasting impression on Carter and fueled his curiosity about the possibility of alien life. During his campaign for president in 1976 he said that he would make sure all the information the government had about UFO’s would be available to the public but after he was elected, he didn’t follow through with his promise due to national security implications.

    The information regarding Jimmy Carter and UFO’s that really hit home with me though is regarding a briefing he was said to have had (reported by an ex-NASA researcher and corroborated by more than one witness) in which he had a talk regarding classified information about UFO’s and after the discussion he reportedly sunk his head into his hands and began to sob deeply and was visibly disturbed for weeks afterwards. He was a deeply religious man and was reportedly told that the major religions were created by aliens to prevent us from destroying ourselves while they ran experiments on us - and that they made us. Of course, this on its own its no proof and is undoubtedly denied by skeptics and others but the fact that it agrees exactly with what I’ve come to learn as fact and other aspects that I believe to be true to me is just more corroboration of my experiences and beliefs.


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