The Connection Between Angels and Aliens

     Angels have captivated the human imagination for centuries, appearing in various religious and spiritual traditions and in this article I discuss I discuss how I believe aliens are connected with our ‘guardian angels.’ I also cover it more thoroughly in my book Aliens Are with UsI personally believe in “angels” and think that most people believe in them as their lives progress, because of all of the unexplained experiences they have had or have heard from others. I recently read that approximately seventy percent of American adults believe in angelsAngels have been revered and worshipped across different cultures, and their presence has brought comfort and guidance to countless individuals throughout history. Angels are often regarded as messengers of the divine, bridging the gap between the mortal and the spiritual realms.

Different Forms of Angels and Their Roles in Religious and Spiritual Traditions

    Angels come in different forms and serve various purposes across the religious and spiritual traditions. In Christianity, there are nine choirs of angels, each with its unique role and hierarchy. From the archangels like Gabriel and Michael to guardian angels assigned to protect individuals, angels are believed to be messengers of God's will. In Islamic tradition, angels are considered to be made of light and are responsible for recording human deeds and carrying out God's commands. Hinduism and Buddhism also acknowledge the presence of celestial beings known as devas, who guide and protect humans on their spiritual path.

Characteristics and Traits Commonly Associated with Angels

    Angels are commonly associated with certain characteristics and traits that set them apart from mortals. They are often depicted as beings of pure light, radiating love, compassion, and wisdom. Angels are believed to possess immense power and knowledge, yet they also exhibit humility and servitude. In many religious texts and traditions, angels are described as having wings, symbolizing their ability to travel between heaven and earth. Their ethereal presence and otherworldly beauty inspire awe and reverence among those who encounter them.

Encounters with Angels

    Throughout history, people from all walks of life have reported what they believed to have been encounters with angels and personal experiences that have left an indelible mark on their lives. Many individuals have shared stories of being saved from imminent danger by an unseen force, attributing their rescue to the intervention of an angel. Others have spoken about receiving messages or guidance from angels in times of distress or confusion.

    There are countless real-life stories of angelic interventions and miracles that defy rational explanation. From miraculous healings to incredible rescues, these stories serve as a testament to the power and presence of angels in our lives. People have reported encounters with mysterious strangers who provide exactly what they need in a moment of crisis, only to disappear without a trace. Others have witnessed divine interventions that defy all odds, leading to miraculous outcomes. Of course, the “experts” and skeptics explain it all away with some logical theory, because you can’t put in the police report that the person was saved by God or an angel, or because some people are just natural skeptics, and it’s far easier and more acceptable to be a skeptic and point to the logical explanation than it is to believe something that is not widely accepted and can’t be supported by known facts. But when you are actually one of those people whose life has been saved during what may have been a potentially fatal event, then you often believe differently than the skeptics or those who try to explain away the unexplainable. You believe you were spared due to some type of unexplained intervention. These stories remind us that we are never alone and that the unseen forces of the divine are always at work, guiding and protecting us.

I had an experience that I believe involved help from my guardian angel and it is one of the many reasons that I believe angels exist and are with us. When I was in my twenties I was involved in a car accident in which the car flipped over and over and over, ending up upside down, half on the road and half off. But the entire time it was rolling over, I felt as if I were in a bubble. It was very surreal, as I wasn’t banging around inside the car; it felt more like I was floating. My body was rolling with the car, but it wasn’t touching any part of the car at all as it rolled over and over. A friend with me in the car later told me he felt exactly the same way in that moment.

When it stopped flipping, we both asked each other if we were alright, which we were, and then we kicked the doors open to get out. Neither of us had any broken bones, no concussions, not even a bruise. My friend did have a minor scratch on his forehead, but it didn’t even require stiches. We walked about a mile to a restaurant and called the police. When they arrived, they looked at the car, and the officer told me that based on the point where it started flipping, the speed we were going, and the damage to the car, he estimated it had rolled three times. The car was almost flattened. It was a terrifying sight to see. He said the last time he’d seen a car like that, both occupants were dead on arrival, and that it was a miracle that neither of us had been injured.

    I know skeptics will say that centrifugal force pinned us to the top of the car and kept us from being hurt, and it happens all the time, etc. But they were not in the car and didn’t feel the sense of being in a protective bubble. I will never forget it—and I’ll always believe an “angel” was watching over us.  

Misconceptions and Myths about Angels

    Despite the widespread belief in angels, there are also common misconceptions and myths that surround these celestial beings. One prevalent misconception is that angels are solely associated with a specific religious tradition. In reality, angels transcend religious boundaries and are present in various cultures and belief systems. Another myth is that angels only appear to saints or holy individuals. The truth is that angels are available to everyone, regardless of their religious or spiritual background.


    This all leads me to believe our souls are connected through our different lives and through the years, and that some of the “angels” that watch over us are actually the other souls we are connected to. Furthermore, because of what the aliens said to me in 2016, I believe that they are somehow involved in the way souls pass through time and migrate to other bodies and other forms. It certainly sounds far-fetched based on what we know today, but if you consider how far humans have come in the last hundred years and imagine where we could be in a thousand years, fifty thousand years, or even a million years, it certainly allows you to consider a nearly infinite number of possibilities.

When I take what I know to be true—that aliens were the ones that created humans or assisted in our creation—and what I believe based on experiences I have had and other factors discussed below, which is that they are concerned with our well-being, it’s logical to extrapolate further and conclude that they also are in fact the physical “angels” involved in unexplained life-saving events because only they would have the capability to perform these ‘miracles.’

    So to me if you believe in angels and believe aliens are visiting Earth, then the logical conclusion on how angels are able to intervene and perform miracles is that the aliens are actually our guardian angels. They clearly have very advanced technology and would be able to heal people who are dying from cancer or would be able to lift a car off a person that is trapped beneath it.


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