Why I Wrote the Book ‘Aliens Are with Us’

     I was born in the late 1950s in Atlanta, Georgia, and grew up in a very traditional suburban lifestyle. But I had some very unusual experiences beginning at about age eight that have continued for over fifty years. I initially told my family about the experiences, but I was ridiculed, so I learned to keep quiet. Then in my teenage years, I came to learn that it was intelligent life from another planet that was visiting me, so I was even more motivated to talk to someone about my experiences. I told my friends a very small part of the story to gauge their reactions, but as expected, they also ridiculed me, so I continued to keep it all a secret as the years went on.

I graduated from college with a degree in management information systems, and I went on to have a successful career, eventually managing over a hundred multimillion-dollar computer software projects for Fortune 500 companies. I also had a great family, a very successful son, and great friends—everything I could want. But in the meantime, my enigmatic experiences continued, and I never told anyone else about them … until now.

I’ve read that many people who make claims of having encounters with aliens are not considered credible sources because they might have ulterior motives, such as money or fame, and therefore, their claims are not considered valid. But I want to make it clear that I do not need to write this book for any possible financial gain, as I retired early with multiple houses, cars, and boats, so I am financially secure, and I am certainly not after any notoriety. Actually, it’s just the opposite; I know that by writing this book, I will just open myself back up to ridicule and possible harassment. But after over fifty years of silence, it’s time for me to share my experiences in depth. My story needs to be heard, and I don’t want to keep it a secret any longer.

I initially thought about writing this book about ten years ago but I was still working and managing some fairly large and important projects so I felt that if someone such as one of the primary stakeholders of the project googled me and saw that I had written this book it may give them negative impressions of me. Or, they may believe that if someone else on the project that was an important stakeholder were to find out about my book they would not like the experiences and beliefs I shared which might cause issues with me managing the project so I decided to wait until I retired before I even considered writing the book. Then when I was a year or so away from my planned retirement I began writing the book but I still wasn’t sure if I really wanted to publish it. By 2020 more and more people were writing books about experiences they have had with aliens but it still was and is a very controversial subject. In addition the experiences I have had have shaped my beliefs about religion, afterlife and reincarnation and I felt that what I believe in those areas needed to be in the book. But, those beliefs are undoubtedly not shared by any of my friends and family which adds even more to the possibility that I will alienate some of my them because those topics are extremely sensitive to many people.

I thought through all the negative implications of writing this book but then weighed them against the ones I felt were positive consequences:

·       Aliens are indeed visiting earth and involved with our lives and people need to be told what is happening and begin to accept it.

·       I know that there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of other people throughout the world that have had experiences with aliens and I wanted to let them know they are not alone and they should feel free to discuss their experiences. That is one of the reasons I also created an alien encounters forum where people can discuss their experiences with others that are able to understand what they’ve been going through and openly discuss them in a non-judgmental setting.

·       I’m tired of keeping it a secret. Its absurd to have experiences like I have had and not discuss them openly.

·       And lastly as you get older you care less and less what other people think.

Now that the book has been published for a few months I am starting to see the impacts, both positive and negative. Most of them are things that I considered but some are not. One bad consequence that I didn’t consider is that it has put quite a dent in my dating life. Usually when I’m ‘ghosted’ by a woman I’ve met online it is after we have met in person but now it’s happened a few times after they have gotten my name and phone number and – and that never happened before so some of them are undoubtedly googling me.

Along those lines one very interesting experience occurred when I talked to a woman once on the phone (so she had my name and number) and then she called me back a few days later and after we had talked about thirty minutes she said ‘so, I see you’re an author?’ ‘Uh oh,’ I replied. ‘So, you googled me?’ ‘Of course,’ she said. And then we talked about the book for about fifteen minutes and she let me know she was a fairly religious person and stated that she had an angel that visited her often at night. She said the angel was only about four feet tall and it was very comforting to her to be visited by the angel because she felt it was looking out for her. Of course I replied that it sounded like an alien was visiting her but that didn’t go over well and she became defensive so I attempted to lighten up about it possibly being an alien but it was too late. That ship had sailed.

On a very positive note I have had many people reach out to me either via emails to my website or have made posts on my forum and thank me for publishing the book because they were glad to see someone else that appeared to be a credible, normal person share experiences about aliens that were similar to their own experiences. Others have just wanted to tell someone else about their experiences and were grateful to be able to openly discuss them. But I still think about unpublishing my book probably several times a week because of some of the negative aspects of writing it  but then someone will reach out to me and give me some sort of positive feedback that keeps me motivated to leave it published and out there for others to appreciate – or criticize. But I suppose that is typical when you put something out in the public, especially if it concerns a controversial topic.

I wrote the book in two sections. The first section of this book is titled “What I Know,” because it details my experiences in which I was visited by a device at least two or three times a year that I knew from the start was clearly not from this world. Usually, it just watched me until I did something to make it leave. But then a voice spoke to me on two occasions, revealing that they were intelligent life forms from another planet, as well as telling me some other clues as to why they are here.

The second section is titled “What I Believe,” because I tell of other experiences I’ve had that are not cold, hard facts, like the visits I received, but instead are more open to interpretation. I also write about a few alien experiences from other very credible sources, and I share some fascinating scientific information on the possible existence of other intelligent life in the universe. I end with several chapters on what I believe it all means, including how it all relates to the afterlife, reincarnation, and our guardian angels.  

People that are firm believers in a traditional God will probably not enjoy or appreciate my book but I believe that others that read my book will agree that it is different than other books in this genre because it’s not a terrifying and tragic story of aliens and alien abduction but weaves all of my experiences together to arrive at a more favorable conclusion regarding alien involvement on earth. I believe if you keep an open mind as you read and consider my experiences, along with those of other credible sources and some additional data I present, you will understand how I arrived at my conclusions and may begin to agree with many of them.



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